Lecture slides

Lecture slides on statistical modeling
Histogram Optimization | Kernel Optimization | Dynamic Interactions

Lecture slides
- Classical statistics
- Statistical modeling
- Point process
- Histogram Optimization
- Kernel Optimization
- State-space analysis
- HOME Page

Lecture contents

Classical statistics lectures

Statistical modeling lectures

Point process theory



Classical statistics lectures

Slides of lectures given at RIKEN BSI and Kyoto University.
Slides for statistical tests are joint work of Kentaro Katahira and Hideaki Shimazaki.

Hypothesis test 1: t-test, multiple comaparison, and ANOVA


Hypothesis test 2: 2-way ANOVA, non-parameteric tests, and guidelines for statistical tests


Hypothesis test 3: Effect size, power analysis, and density estimation


Principal component analysis



Statistical modeling lectures

Slides of lectures given at Kyoto University

The Boltzmann machine


Hierarchical models and EM algorithm


State-space framework for exponential models



Point process theory

Lecture 0: Course introduction


Lecture 1: A Poisson point process


Lecture 2: Renewal and non-Poisson processes


Lecture 3: Point process-GLM (Encoding)


Lecture 4: Inference for a Poisson process: Spike-rate estimation


Lecture 5: State-space model and a point process filter (Decoding)


Lectures on point process thery

2017 Mar 4 Brain wakate


2016 Feb 10 Introduction to the point process network

A photo cited from the lecture page of Institute of Statistics and Mathematics. http://www.ism.ac.jp/lectures/27n.html


2013 Mar 3-12 Introduction to statistical models of neural spike train data [link]

Two-weeks course at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, School of Cognitive Sciences